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Archive for February 9th, 2005

Anheuser-Busch Ad

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If you missed the salute to the troops during the Superbowl, it can be seen here. It speaks for itself.

Written by martinipundit

February 9, 2005 at 9:01 pm

Posted in General, GWOT

The Buzz Goes Up a Notch

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Many people do not much care for Dick Morris – possibly because of his celebrated falling out with the Clintons – but I’ve always found him to be pretty incisive. I’ve been touting Condi Rice as the Republican nominee for president in 2008 for some time, but as our new Secretary of State barnstorms Europe, the speculation is rising.

The political fact is that a Rice candidacy would destroy the electoral chances of the Democratic Party by undermining its demographic base. John Kerry got 54 percent of his vote from three groups that, together, account for about a third of the American electorate: African-Americans, Hispanics and single white women. Rice would cut deeply into any Democrat’s margin among these three groups and would, most especially, deny Clinton the strong support she would otherwise receive from each of them.

Rice’s credentials for a candidacy are extensive and will grow throughout her tenure at the State Department. As former chancellor of Stanford University, she would have much in common with the pre-political careers of Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower, presidents of Princeton and Columbia universities. Her service as national security adviser during a war and her current efforts as secretary of state demonstrate her ability to handle crises and to conduct herself with dignity and impact on the world stage.

True enough – she has never held elective office, but there are precedents for that. Personally, I think she’s Hillary Clinton’s worst nightmare.

Written by martinipundit

February 9, 2005 at 7:12 am

Posted in 2008 Election, Politics